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Within the framework of the National Operational Programme for Research and Competitiveness (NAP R&C) 2007-2013 for the Convergence Regions, provided for by the NSRF and adopted by decision CE/2007/6882 (CCI:2007IT161PO006), co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Rotation Fund (RDF) for the implementation of Community Policies (ex art. 5 of Law no. 183 of 16 April 1987 and subsequent amendments and additions), the research and training project PON01_03112 was financed. 

Project title: Advanced eco-sustainable technologies for the reclamation and repurposing of marine coastal areas DEgradate (TETIDE) - PON01_03112

Funding body: European Union - Ministry of Education, University and Research - PON R&C 2007-2013  

Project leader: C.O.M.A.P. - Priolo Gargallo (SR) 

Other project partners: University of Palermo 

Scientific responsible: Prof. Sebastiano Calvo - University of Palermo, Department of Earth and Sea Sciences (DiSTeM) - 091 23862865 - 335 8108701

Summary of the project: The project aims to develop in the SIN of Priolo advanced technologies able to suggest products, processes and services that are eco-compatible and eco-sustainable, aimed at the implementation of remediation, remediation and recovery of coastal marine environments altered by human activities. At the same time, the aim is to stimulate interest in the maturation of new quality businesses that can find a place in a niche market still vacant. The project consists of pilot interventions aimed at developing products, processes and services for monitoring, remediation, environmental restoration, reconstruction of the submerged landscape and the recovery and strengthening of goods and services produced by coastal marine ecosystems altered by human activities. Within the project, technologies will be developed and fine-tuned in order to make the reclamation interventions foreseen in the area by the above mentioned MATTM decree eco-compatible. In this context, the sector of advanced technologies in the monitoring of the marine environment and biotechnologies applied to the assessment and conservation of environmental quality, through bioremediation, ie the use of biological systems for the reduction of pollution from environmental matrices. Moreover, scientific knowledge on advanced and eco-sustainable technologies of reforestation with marine phanerogams and reconstruction of the submerged landscape through reefartificials that emulate the forms present in nature will be deepened, also through the use of patents. A hybrid-powered workboat with engines powered by alternative energy sources will also be designed and built, enabling work to be carried out on the laying of maritime structures, the acquisition of useful data for coastal marine monitoring and support for reforestation operations using marine phanerogams. In addition, the project will also have positive implications at training and employment level through the activation of a Master's degree with a high practical methodological content in the field of monitoring, remediation and restoration of degraded coastal marine areas.  

Area of intervention: SIN area of Priolo in the stretch of sea between the Rada di Augusta and the Magnisi Peninsula. 

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