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Pneumatic working boat rental

Work boat rental with skipper

Rilievi side scan sonar e multibeam, indagini ambientali e archeologiche, riforestazione posidonia,rilievi batimetri, Posidonia oceanica

Vessel name: PA3961

Port of registry: Palermo

Navigation: National within 6 (six) miles from the coast

Owner: Biosurvey S.r.l. Palermo

Geometrical and mechanical characteristics:

Length: 6,85 m

Width: 3.06 m

Total weight: 2930 Kg

Engine: n.1 4-stroke outboard type engine 150 hp year 2018 power 110,30 Kw

Crew: 1 Person 


Technical data sheet:

Pneumatic hull, navigation lights, stainless steel steering wheel switch panel, single-cable, rollar bar, GPS and VHF, stainless steel tank of 120 l, equipped with removable cabin for survey and instrumentation.

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gommone Pa3961
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