Sebastiano Calvo
Sebastiano Calvo is Full Professor of Applied Ecology and Environmental Impact Assessment at the University of Palermo. At the same University he has been Director of the Interdepartmental Centre for the Study of the Ecology of Coastal Environments (CISAC), Vice-Director of the Department of Ecology (DEco), President of the Interclass Council in Biological Sciences (CISB), Coordinator of the PhD in "Technologies for Sustainability and Environmental Restoration" and President of the Joint Teacher-Student Commission of the School of Basic and Applied Sciences. He is currently a member of the Regional Council for the Protection of Natural Heritage (C.R.P.P.N.) of the Sicily Region on behalf of the University of Palermo and coordinates the Aquatic Ecology Laboratory of the Department of Earth and Sea Sciences (DiSTeM) of the same University. It is a founding member and currently a component of Biosurvey S.r.l. (www.biosurvey.it), academic spin-off of the Palermo University. The research activity has been focused on studies of Biology and Ecology of inland, coastal and transitional marine waters. Current research interests are focused on i the study of Posidonia oceanica meadows (mapping, distribution, phenology and primary production), the selection and standardization of biotic indicators in the marine environment, the restoration of degraded seabeds with marine phanerogams through reforestation techniques (www.progettotetide.it) and iv) the dynamics and management of coastal marine environments. He has carried out and managed several environmental impact studies in the EIA, SEA and VIncA of maritime works and has conducted studies on the distribution, quality and monitoring of Posidonia oceanica meadows along the coasts of southern Italy, Sardinia, Malta and the seabanks of Sicilian Channel. It is active in the field of scientific dissemination and in particular in the development of nature itineraries in MPAs and in the sustainability of underwater tourism in areas of high environmental interest.
He is author and co-author of about 250 papers published in national and international journals and in conference proceedings.
The main scientific coordination activities of the last years are reported below:
2020 to date - Guest Editor of the special issue of Water (ISSN 2073-4441) “Restore Degraded Marine Coastal Areas in the Mediterranean Sea” (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/water/special_issues/restore_degraded_marine_coastal_areas_mediterranean_sea)
2017 to date - Head of Operational Unit LIFE16 GIE/IT/000761 "Supporting Environmental governance for the POSidonia oceanica Sustainable transplanting Operations - SEPOSSO" (http://lifeseposso.eu/en/).
2013-2017: Coordinator of the Thematic Group " Energy and Environment " of the Interdepartmental Centre Si.LAB (Observatory for regional and local development "Alberto Tulumello") of the University of Palermo (http://silab.unipa.it/).
2012-2015: Scientific coordinator of the project PON01_03112 "Advanced eco-sustainable technologies for the reclamation and restoration of degraded coastal marine areas - TETIDE", MIUR- PON R&C 2007-2013 (http://www.progettotetide.com/).
2013-2015: Head of the PRIN Operations Unit 2010-2011 "Hydropower by osmosis in coastal environment".
2014: Head of the "Convention for the Implementation of the Marine Strategy under Legislative Decree No. 190/2010". DiSTeM - ARPA Sicily Agreement.