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mauro assenzo

Mauro Assenzo

He graduated in Marine Biology in 2015 at the University of Palermo with the title of the thesis: "Restoration of degraded environments through reforestation techniques with Posidonia oceanica" as part of the research and training project PON01_03112: Advanced eco-sustainable technologies aimed at remediation and restoration of degraded coastal marine areas (TETIDE). He is currently enrolled in the Master's Degree in "Marine Biology" at the same University. In 2016 he was the holder of a scholarship banned by the CoNISMa on "Maintenance and monitoring of transplants with Posidonia oceanica" within the Project PON03PE_00203 - MARINE HAZARD.

It has a contract of collaboration with the University of Palermo Department of Earth and Sea Sciences (DiSTeM) within the project S.E.POS.S.O. on the theme "Monitoring of 4 reforestation plants along the Italian coasts. Measurements and samples related to the performance of Posidonia oceanica transplants in the reforestation plants of Civitavecchia, Follonica Ischia and Augusta".

He obtained the qualification of O.T.S. (Underwater Technical Operator) carrying out underwater inshore works (underwater cutting, welding, underwater repairs, visual inspections and videotaping).


He has also acquired experience in the construction, maintenance and monitoring of reforestation plants with Posidonia oceanica, in the collection and analysis of samples with particular reference to the prairies of P. oceanica, in the techniques for monitoring coastal marine waters and sediment core drilling.

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